I'm making a movie on the song 'Always look on the bright side of life' by the Monty Pythons.
The song is 3 minutes. I'm now bij 130 seconds so that's : 2 minutes and 10 sec. :P
I'm making a second halloween movie 2.
I promised Shan83 that I will make a movie on a music she mades.
I'm fucking busy!! xD
Here's a screenshot of my 'Always look on the bright side of life' movie.
I hope I can finish this movie in the weekend!!
Hope you like the screenshot!!!
hhehe...this looks promising!!! ;))
I like the drawing and colors are catchy!! :)
I think this is gonna be a cool movie!! ;)
can't wait to see it finished!! ;)
yeah, I can't wait to see the other movie with my music on it!! ;)
you rule man! ;)
take your time!
It's finished :D
Hope you like it :P
And That other movie with the music, I'm making that movie now. :)